Ways to serve in the church...

Community Dinners 

Lookin for a way to help serve the local community? Maplewood United Methodist Church host Community dinners that are held on the 3rd Thursday of every month. They are from 5:00 p.m. - 6:30p.m.  Each month has a different theme, with different guests and activities! Please click on the button below to sign up to help or email Mary Kunce at marykunce@yahoo.com with any questions. 

Potluck Team 

All Church Potlucks that are help on the 1st  Sunday of the month immediately following worship. Bring a dish to share or a topic for conversation. We are looking for people to help set up and clean up. To help with this amazing event please click the button below to volunteer to help or email Mary Kunce at marykunce@yahoo.com with any questions.

Children's Ministry Sign Up

Looking to have fun while volunteering the Children's Ministry team is the right fit for you! We ask that you volunteer one Sunday a month, All of our volunteers that work with children are asked to complete Safe Gatherings training. We are looking for people to help plan and lead lessons, lead small groups,  Please know that you won't be in the classroom alone! You will have support from other adults who are familiar with the children. If you have any questions or would like to sign up please reach out to Brittany Link at bbuxton796@gmail.com.

Volunteer for Build a Gift

Looking for fun wats to serve? Volunteer to work Build a Gift on December 7th from 9:30-12:30. We are looking for people to help lead a craft, monitor the bathrooms, and at the gift wrap table. Please reach out to Brittany or Rona with any questions. 


Our Choir starts meets from September through May. They will meet in the Choir Room at 7p.m. If you would like to join or would like more information please email Amy Cordeal at amycordeal@gmail.com

Communion Steward

Looking for a way to help, we are looking for someone to pass out Holy Communion on the first Sunday of each month and on Christmas Eve. You will also be in cleaning up after communion is served.  Please reach out to Brittany Link at Brittany.L@maplewoodumc.org if you are interested in helping.


We are looking for people to greet members and visitors as they come into worship. We are asking for your help one  Sunday a month. Please reach out to Brittany Link at Brittany.L@maplewoodumc.org if you are interested in helping.

Counter Team

We are looking for people to count the offering after worship. We are asking for your help one  Sunday a month. Please reach out to Brittany Link at Brittany.L@maplewoodumc.org if you are interested in helping.

Worship Team

 Do you like planning? We are looking for people to help plan all aspects of the Worship Service. Please reach out to Brittany Link at Brittany.L@maplewoodumc.org if you are interested in helping.

Hospitality Table Sign Up

The Sunday morning 'coffee and treat table' will up running again very soon! Are you willing to take care of clean up after worship once a month or once every two months? If so, please click on this link to let us know if you are willing to serve in this way. Please sign up or contact Brittany Link with any questions at brittany.l@maplewoodumc.org

Tech Team

Interested in helping with worship on Sundays?  We are looking for people to assist at the tech table in the back of the Sanctuary on Sunday mornings, training is available. We also welcome high school students to participate in this important ministry.  Please email Chris Shirar at chrisshirar4@gmail.com  if you are interested in helping.